Sunday, April 8, 2012


I met you in drawing two with Kirk LeClaire. You and Audrey on the same day. You two thought I was mysterious but it was mainly because I was the biggest introvert. In mostly every single class in college, I liked to keep to myself. There were a few exceptions here and there but for the most part I was the guy that would hang out on campus alone and I didn't have a problem with that. 

I remember one day in drawing class you and Audrey decided to sit by me, and throughout the class you two kept asking me questions about myself. I remember being really nervous because I didn't want to say the wrong things. From that day on, we always talked in class.

One of my most vivid memories of you was the first day of fall quarter 2009. I saw you sitting outside of the art building by the water fountain and I thought I'd come over and say hi, ask you about your summer, see what kind of classes you had. Then we both realized we were taking a lot of the same classes. We had all the senior capstone classes together, we sat by each other in Lisa's senior portfolio/thesis class. 

And somehow, we became great friends. We cooked together, played scrabble, spent time together in between classes and that group of friends grew. We actually became this group of friends that did things that weren't school related, had BBQ's, went grocery shopping, pizza eating, kite-flying. 

I'm so grateful that I met you. You taught me to be more friendly, to be more open and to be less of a hermit. It's because of you that I eventually became this extroverted person that wasn't afraid to be friends with everyone. It was you who made my last year in college such a wonderful one, if it weren't for you, I would've continued to keep to myself, and I don't think my art would've grown at all, and me as a person, I don't think I would've thrived as much as I did. And you introduced me to Adventure Time, eternally grateful! This sort of became a personal letter, but I'm going to leave it as is. I miss you Jasmin. 

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