Thursday, April 26, 2012

Santa Cruz Pt. three

April 22nd 2012

This was our last full day in Santa Cruz. The day of White Fence and The Shins. We decided the night before that we were going to spend our day stress free and not worry about doing "something".

This is what the bed looked like, we just dropped the back seats down and put all of our things in the front seats. With floor blankets, it was actually really comfortable.

We had breakfast at ihop on this morning then parked by a neighborhood of one of the more populated beaches in town. All I did was just hang out in the back of the car and snack and catch up on writing.

I noticed Toph was whining and I looked behind me across the street and there was this marmalade cat just rolling around on the sidewalk. It looked really friendly so I went across the street and it greeted me  so warmly. Every time I went to pet this guy, it rolled over on it's back.

Living the life.

Adrien and I were only a few blocks from the boardwalk so all three of us went to check it out and I remember that I've been there before with my sisters and brother in law. I recognized the building names and streets. It was really just a tourist spot but it was fun regardless, it was fun just watching how much fun everyone else was having. We eventually were asked to leave the boardwalk because there were no pets allowed even though I was carrying Toph the entire time.

Later that night around seven, Adrien and I went to line up for the show. I felt bad for leaving Toph in the car because we were going to be gone for three or more hours but no dogs allowed. It actually started to rain around this time, as we were waiting in line I realized that there were a lot of younger people in line. This realization made me feel old even though I'm only twenty-four. It was strange, the first time I saw the shins was in 2006, I just graduated from high school and I was in that weird summer before college. That was nearly six years ago, and now I was in Santa Cruz, about to see them again.

White Fence put on an amazing show, they were really cool and it made me happy that Adrien got to see them because I know how much he admires that band and the writer/lead man in that band. Then the shins came on, and they put on a very cool show.

It was strange seeing the shins with a completely new line-up, I still don't know how I feel about it but I'm happy that I had a chance to see one of my teenage favorite bands one last time.