Sunday, June 17, 2012

Bah ba

Happy fathers day to my dad, my brother, and all the new dads and old dads out there. My sister Ly wrote this about my dad today and I wanted to share it because it really resonated with me and since my sister and I do have the same dad I definitely see where these words are coming from- "Through my own mindfulness practice, I see my father as a person and not just my dad. I've also realized that I don't need him to be the perfect dad in order to love him. I can love him for just the person he is, with all of his strengths and faults."

My sisters words remind me that I need to be more mindful everyday with not only my dad but my sisters, brothers and everyone around me and I have to see people as people and I can't expect them to be the person I would want them to be or the person I think they should be.

If I ever become a father I promise I'll be there for my children, I promise to give them as much love and support that all the fathers in my life have given me and more.